The plan was to get up and go to the ear / nose /throat clinic to get my deafness sorted, so set the alarm early. Sat up in bed and the ear popped, deafness finally gone.
Good practice session today. Abhi’s father bought the baby up for a visit and it was delightful to watch Guruji play with his great grandaughter, holding her upside down for her first headstand (no doubt plenty more of those in her future!). As I left the session the Iyengars disappeared into the house and Guruji was stood at the open window being unceremoniously clunked over the head repeatedly by the baby amid giggles from Abhi.
No Guruji in the medical class today, worked with Stephanie on strong abdominal work, including the hanging in the rope catching the feet one and mayurasana over the trestle. I wonder if Guruji’s input is finished now? The work that I am doing has changed since Guruji’s involvment and is no longer having such a direct impact on the pancreas / blood sugar levels. His approach seems to be more holistic, strengthening and enlivening the surrounding muscles, organs and tissues. Bringing awareness where there was complete lifelessness. Oh and making me release held emotion ….
As I walked through the park this morning I was really struck by the difference between the way men relate to each other here and the more reserved culture back home. It is not at all unusual to see men leaning on each other, arms round each other or even holding hands. There is a sense of complete ease about this – no suggestion that there is any refection on sexuality. I remember on my first trip to India in 1996 being stunned to see two cops walking down the street hand in hand! It’s good to witness this freedom just to be.
