Felt much better once my flat mate arrived – Nicola from Canada – and passed out the second my head hit the pillow waking at 6am.
Headed into the institute for practice starting at 9am and sat outside chatting waiting for the session to start. As we chatted Mr. Iyengar came out of his home (just opposite institute) and sat on his usual perch. We both went to give our greetings – some bring their hands together and simply say namaste whereas other kneel before him and kiss the ground at this feet. He didn’t acknowledge my greeting and we sat to resume our wait.
Shortly after Gerry and Lynda arrived (my 2 teachers who have sponsored my visit here, kindly offering to look after me in the medical classes under the supervision of the medical team here). Shortly followed by my medical class teacher who took me over to formally introduce me to Guruji and remind him of the purpose of my visit. (Gulp)
Guruji has given his permission for me to attend a month of medical classes to work on my Type 1 Diabetes after the amazing results we had on last year’s trip (see wordpress blog Tamara’s Indian Experience). This time I am going to take a c-peptide test before and after the month. This test will hopefully verify whether insulin is being produced by my pancreas or whether there is some other reason for the amazing effects that were felt on my blood sugar.
During the practice session I realised I was still exhausted and not fit for much more than lying in supta tadasana to realign and reconnect after all the travel. I left early and spent the afternoon resting before my first medical class.
We focussed today on a restorative sequence to recover from the travel and build up some energy for the work that lies ahead. Also I haven’t had my pre-trial c-peptide test yet, so no pancreas stimulation yet! We did however use a polystyrene cylinder behind the pancreas in the supine poses to lift and open the area using the posture and breath combined to open out and broaden the ribs to the side and breathe life and energy into the whole area. Inversions were done with the feet hooked over the trestle so as not to ‘load’ the organs. After the session I felt completely restored and energised.
Nicola and I headed to Shrivan on FC Road for some good food and went to bed feeling very grateful for all the support and help I am receiving here.