10 hours sleep! After snuggling up in bed and skyping with my step-daughter Aggi (in first year at Portsmouth Uni) last night had a full 10 hours before Jenny felt compelled to come and check I wasn’t infact in a diabetic coma!
Right so today is the day for a really thorough practice, feeling a bit unyoga-ed. Began working through Guruji’s class from yesterday trying to really embed and understand the teaching points. Prasarita Paddottonasana keeping the back hip sockets DOWN, makes the legs very dense, very connected.
First the electrician turned up to give us more sockets in the front room, so decamped to the bedrooms and tried to shut out the noise of the drilling, only to find someone else was drilling outside so had it in stereo. Then the Cook turned up, followed by the Landlady, at the same time Jenny had an important business skype – it started to feel a bit like a Carry On Film! Carry on Yoga? Ah well Gulnaz this evening …..

The view from the Balcony<Jenny had an appointment to see an Ayurvedic Doctor opposite Fab India, so Nicky and I jumped in a rickshaw with her to go and check it out. Thursday is one of the days where there is a choice of classes and Nicky had opted for early morning Prashant. Today the imagery he used was that of a painting. The asana is just the frame. You don’t go to the store and just buy the frame. The breath, the internal energy is the picture.Fab India is full of beautiful bedding, clothing, cushion covers etc. High quality, well made and more expensive than your normal small shop stuff.Back home and straight out again for Gulnaz. She was evidently surprised at the size of her class – I guess we’re not the only ones looking for some variety to balance the early morning Prashant classes. I strongly suspect next week she’ll have a bigger class still, as she taught a blinding class and there were a lot of observers. A thorough forward extension class starting with the most intense Uttansana concave back sequence I’ve ever done – we had to look up enough to see her whole head AND she was up on the platform. By the end we’d held it so long I felt my dorsal was burnt into my back. Followed by forwards bends reaching beyond the feet (bramacharyasana), ubyaya padangusthasana, urdhva mukha paschimottonasana 1 and 2, krounchasana catching the wrist around the heel before extnding the leg up. So no more complaints, am definitely feeling yoga-ed now.