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21st February Day Off

Tamara Hockey

Updated: Jan 21


Woke late and sat on the balcony enjoying a sunny cup of lemon grass tea and watched a large group of boys playing in the road, whooping and catcalling and laughing – having an absolute whale of a time playing some game with a wire mesh and a ball. Had a shortened practice and headed over to The Mariott which was predictably stuffed full of RIMYI students. It was interesting to hear other people’s experiences – one lady I was chatting to, cried after Raya’s class this week – it just felt too much to be criticised and chastised for the mistakes of others, when many of us are committed and sincere students. We may not be brilliant, but we’re trying!


As I stepped out of the air conditioned environment of the Mariott, the warm evening air enveloped me, the full moon was already up and walking home I enjoyed such a glow of well being after my month of yoga here. A rare meal out this evening as Sunday is our cooks day off. We headed to FC Road intending to go to Vishali, but the whole area was absolutely rammed with people. Turns out Sunday night is a big night out here, a complete contrast to our lazy, quiet Sundays at home. All of the well known restaurants had queues waiting to get in so we carried on wandering and found ourselves in the exact same traditional thali place we had stumbled into three years ago when we were here together. There is no menu as such, you just sit with an enormous silver tray in front of you and a continual stream of servers deposit lots of different yummy spoonfuls until you signal you can’t take any more. We have eaten extremely moderately since being here and I found myself eating three times as much as usual, especially since most of it was gluten free, including ragi (dark millet) chapatis – a rare find!


Very happy, ragi flour chapati face!

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